
Happy Misting

The last 4 layouts I've done all have mist on them. I'm in love with masking off portions of the design and just going to town on the paper. 

This is my favorite layout that I've completed in the last ohh ummmm 4 months? I haven't scrapped a lot of 12x12s lately (I've been doing nothing but minis) so this one is on the top of my list. This is the wonderful Scott, my farm boy. The whole title reads, "This Smile Makes Me So Happy."
I took a big sticker that said "happy" and stuck it down on the paper. Then I took a tiny bottle of Smooch Spritz and sprayed it like crazy. I took the sticker off and that's what it looked like. LOVE! I also traced the outline of the letters with a black Zig marker. Very easy peasy.

Hoping to post that tutorial for y'all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Loving this layout ! :) Definitely want to experiment in the whole ink thing !:)
